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When To Seek a Psychiatrist for Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Feb 15, 2024
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Alcohol addiction is a serious medical condition affecting people worldwide. The symptoms of alcohol addiction can be devastating, not only for the person suffering from it but also for their loved ones.

Alcohol addiction is a serious medical condition affecting people worldwide. The symptoms of alcohol addiction can be devastating, not only for the person suffering from it but also for their loved ones. Seeking treatment for alcohol addiction from an experienced psychiatrist is an important step toward recovery. If you or someone you love suffers from alcohol addiction, continue reading to learn about treatment options.

What is alcohol addiction?

Alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism, is a chronic disease defined by a strong desire to drink alcohol despite the negative consequences it may have on one's life. People with alcohol addiction struggle to control their drinking and may experience withdrawal symptoms when they try to quit. Alcohol addiction can lead to a range of physical and psychological problems, including liver damage, depression, anxiety, and relationship difficulties.

Several signs may indicate that a person is suffering from alcohol addiction. These include:

  • Drinking alone or in secret
  • Feeling the need to drink to relax or feel better
  • Feeling irritable without alcohol
  • Being unable to stop drinking
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms without alcohol

If someone is experiencing some or all of these signs, it is important for them to seek treatment. Alcohol addiction damages one's body and mind and can harm personal relationships and a person's ability to work and function in their everyday life. A trained psychiatrist can help them with treatment and give them the tools they need to manage their addiction.

Types of psychiatric alcohol addiction treatment

When it comes to seeking alcohol addiction treatment, there are a variety of options available. However, in many cases, it may be best to seek treatment from a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions, including addiction. The following includes a few situations where a psychiatrist can help treat someone struggling with alcohol addiction.

They can address co-occurring mental health conditions

Many people with alcohol addiction may also have other mental health disorders, such as depression or anxiety. These co-occurring disorders can make it difficult to quit drinking, as the person may be using alcohol as a form of self-medication or coping mechanism. An experienced psychiatrist has specific training to identify and treat these co-occurring disorders, which can improve the patient's chances of a successful recovery from alcohol addiction.

They help patients cope severe withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms commonly occur in people who are trying to quit drinking. However, in cases where patients have severe alcoholism, withdrawal symptoms can be severe and even life-threatening. This condition is known as delirium tremens (DTS) or alcohol withdrawal delirium. It usually occurs two to five days after the individual's last drink of alcohol. DTS can be fatal, causing the following:

  • Confusion
  • High blood pressure
  • Fever
  • Impaired consciousness
  • Visual, physical, or auditory hallucinations
  • Tremors or seizures

It is common for symptoms of delirium tremens to last for 3-4 days and usually resolves within five days. However, depending on the patient's situation, DTS symptoms can last up to 10 days. When a person is experiencing these severe withdrawal symptoms, they or their loved one need to seek emergency medical treatment. Psychiatrists are trained to manage these symptoms and can provide medication to help ease withdrawal, such as benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and antipsychotics, in a controlled medical or treatment center. 

They can provide medicated treatment

There are several medications that can help people overcome alcohol addiction. These medications work by reducing cravings for alcohol and easing withdrawal symptoms. However, only a qualified medical professional can properly prescribe these medications. Psychiatrists are trained to prescribe and manage these types of medications and can work with patients to develop a treatment plan that includes medication-assisted treatment.

They design personalized treatment plans

Every person is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating alcohol addiction. Instead, psychiatrists can help patients address alcohol addiction by developing personalized treatment plans that consider the patient's needs and circumstances. This approach can include a combination of therapy, medication, and other interventions tailored to the patient's specific needs.

They have access to special resources

Psychiatrists specializing in addiction treatment often have access to exclusive resources that may not be available through other treatment providers. These treatment options can include access to alcohol-addiction support groups, inpatient addiction treatment centers, specialized therapies, and other resources that can benefit the patient's recovery process.

Do you need treatment for alcohol addiction?

Alcohol addiction is a serious problem that can have devastating effects on individuals and their loved ones. Seeking treatment is a step to recovery and leading a healthy, fulfilling life. Psychiatrists can provide numerous different approaches to alcohol addiction based on your individual needs. It is important to develop treatment goals that work for you and your journey to recovering from alcohol addiction. With commitment, support, and a willingness to change, individuals struggling with alcohol addiction can overcome it and regain control of their lives. Recovery is a journey, not a destination, and there is no shame in seeking help. Reach out to our office today to get started.

Are you struggling with alcohol addiction? Our experienced psychiatrists at NYC Psychiatric Associates can help. Visit https://nycpsychiatricassociates.com or call (917) 391-0076 to learn more about our services in the New York area.

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