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When To Consider Psychotherapy

Feb 16, 2024
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Humans are finite creatures. Though it may be tempting to try and tough it out when we are struggling, it is often better to seek help. The truth is anyone can benefit from psychotherapy.

Humans are finite creatures. Though it may be tempting to try and tough it out when we are struggling, it is often better to seek help. The truth is anyone can benefit from psychotherapy. This form of mental health treatment helps not only those with diagnosed mental disorders but also anyone who feels like they are dealing with more than they can handle.

What is psychotherapy?

According to the National Institute of Health, psychotherapy is talk therapy that aims to help a person identify and change troubling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Treatment specifics vary, but a licensed mental health professional, such as a psychologist, typically leads weekly one-hour sessions with patients. Common approaches to psychotherapy include:

  • Psychodynamic therapy. Focused on recognizing negative thought and behavior patterns that are rooted in past experiences that need resolution
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy. Explores the relationships between a person's negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and works toward replacing them with positive ones
  • Humanistic. Identifies people's strengths and helps them achieve goals for greater satisfaction and is less concerned with treating problems and symptoms.
  • Integrative/holistic. This form of therapy draws on techniques and methods used in other popular forms of therapy to design a treatment plan customized to the individual.

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list but a list that provides an overview of what is out there to anyone seeking help.

Major reasons for psychotherapy

In truth, anyone who wants to improve their life can benefit from psychotherapy, and no one should feel like they need a good reason to seek help. However, the following are some of the leading reasons people seek the help of a psychotherapist.

Major life changes

Major life changes such as the birth of a child, a major job change, or a move to a new area can upset a person's routine. Even if the change is positive, a major alteration to someone's life can be jarring. A therapist can help one deal with unexpected emotions and any sense of disorientation that can come from a major life change.

Loss and Grief

Sooner or later, everyone loses someone they love. This loss can be especially difficult if this person is a family member. Grief can be overwhelming, and the wave of novel and unexpected emotions tend to be too much to handle alone. As a result, many people turn to therapists to help them through the grieving process.


Depression comes in many forms and can manifest as fatigue, apathy, and a loss of interest in things a person once loved. If these feelings continue for weeks and interfere with one's ability to function daily, it is time to seek help. Untreated depression can lead to addiction, thoughts of suicide, and other health problems.


Like depression, anxiety can also reach a point where it interferes with one's ability to function daily. Anyone who notices intense feelings of intense worry and fear that last prolonged periods of time should seek professional help. Anxiety can cause or worsen many health problems and make stress and anger management difficult.


Anyone who has been through an intense, frightening, or distressing event such as a natural disaster, a violent crime, a battle situation, or an accident should consider working with a psychotherapist. Traumatic events can harm people emotionally and psychologically if they are not given a chance to work through them in a healthy way. In addition, unresolved trauma can lead to harmful illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety disorder, and addiction.


Addiction can refer to any use of a substance or behavior that one indulges in compulsively and continues to engage in despite repeated consequences. So much of the time, addiction starts as a way to cope with stress or other difficult emotions. A psychotherapist can help someone recognize their addiction and discover what is behind it. Afterward, the therapist can work with the patient to replace these harmful substances or behaviors with healthier coping methods.

Knowing that one does not have to wait for things to get serious before seeking help is important. The sooner one notices they are struggling and starts to get help, the sooner they can get back to a healthy and fulfilling life.

Asking for help is the smart thing to do

Asking for help when you are struggling is not a weakness but a wise thing to do for your mental health and future happiness. Psychotherapy can help you overcome troubling times and emotions and help you avoid further suffering or developing negative coping mechanisms. If you or someone you know needs help, our team is here to help.

Request an appointment here: https://nycpsychiatricassociates.com or call NYC Psychiatric Associates at (917) 391-0076 for an appointment in our New York office.

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