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What To Expect During a Psychological Test

Feb 16, 2024
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Psychological tests are an effective way to assess someone’s personality, intelligence, and other aspects of their mental health. Employers can use them to help them make decisions about hiring people..

Psychological tests are an effective way to assess someone’s personality, intelligence, and other aspects of their mental health. Employers can use them to help them make decisions about hiring people or schools when deciding whether a student should be allowed in certain courses. In some cases, they may even be required by law if you seek benefits such as disability payments or unemployment insurance. 

Whatever the reason you need a psychological test, we are here to help. This article will cover everything you need to know about these tests and what to expect during your appointment.

Understanding psychological tests

What is a psychological test?

psychological test is a type of assessment that evaluates the state of an individual’s mental health. A psychiatrist or other licensed mental health professional will administer one of five types of tests. The psychiatrist will then use the test results to determine effective treatment options for the patient or deliver them to the inquiring party, such as an employer, school, etc. (if applicable).

Types of psychological tests

Psychological tests can be administered in various ways and for various purposes. For example, some tests may require a pencil and paper or be taken on a computer. In contrast, others may require observations by the psychiatrist while an individual is performing certain tasks.

Psychological tests fall into five main categories: personality tests, intelligence tests, achievement and aptitude tests, direct-observation tests, and neuropsychological assessments.

  • Personality tests: These are designed to reveal a person’s preferences and tendencies towards certain traits, behaviors, and values. The standardized assessment usually involves completing a series of questions (paper or digital) that will later be interpreted. These tests are not designed to define a person; rather, they give an insight into their personality based on their perception.
  • Intelligence tests: These standardized tests are typically used to assess a person’s intellectual capacity and personality traits. They measure a person’s ability to solve problems, think critically, and make good decisions.
  • Direct-observation tests: These tests are often given to children or teens to evaluate their ability to perform specific tasks. The psychiatrist is mainly looking to evaluate the testee’s cognitive, language, or motor skills deficits that need to be addressed through therapy.
  • Aptitude tests and achievement: These are used for assessing skills such as verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, spatial reasoning, and mechanical comprehension to see if someone has the right aptitude for certain jobs within an organization or company that require these skills, such as sales associate or data analyst positions where critical thinking is important in the success on the job. 
  • Neuropsychological assessments: These assessments are a formalized method of measuring the functions of the brain. Psychiatrists use them to diagnose and treat psychological, neurological, and developmental disorders. They evaluate an individual’s cognitive functioning across various domains, including memory, attention, language skills, problem-solving ability, and executive functioning.

Why psychological tests are necessary

Psychiatrists conduct psychological assessments to provide information about a person’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas of concern. They identify strengths that can be built upon and areas that need improvement to reach one’s full potential. Additional reasons people undergo psychological assessments include:

  • Making treatment recommendations for mental health concerns
  • Identifying learning disabilities or other learning needs
  • Providing information related to legal issues, such as custody hearings
  • Assessing job-related skills (job performance)
  • Providing insight into how an individual processes information
  • Identifying how an individual communicates with others and how others can best communicate with them
  • Identifying problem areas after experiencing a brain or head injury

Preparing for a psychological test

A psychological test can be a stressful and nerve-wracking experience, but it does not have to be. Preparing for a psychological test is important for a few reasons. First, it will help one feel less anxious about the process. Second, good preparation can help ensure the testee gives their best performance on the test itself– which, in turn, can help boost their chances of getting their dream job offer, for example. Third, it is important for the testee to remember that regardless of the reason for the test, there is no right or wrong answer. The key to a successful assessment is to answer as honestly as possible.

Learn more today

We hope this article has helped you understand what to expect during a psychological test. As you can see, many things go into creating this type of assessment and ensuring it is valid. We believe it is important that you know as much as possible about these tests before undergoing one to increase your confidence in your performance and reduce anxiety or stress levels.

If you or someone you know needs a psychological test, we invite you to visit our website at https://nycpsychiatricassociates.com or contact our New York office at (917) 391-0076 to schedule an appointment.

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