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TMS Therapy After Psychotherapy and Medication

Feb 15, 2024
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For mental illnesses, TMS therapy may be a good option to pursue. It can be difficult living with a mental health condition. These come in many varieties, but treatment is often necessary to have a good quality of life.

For mental illnesses, TMS therapy may be a good option to pursue. It can be difficult living with a mental health condition. These come in many varieties, but treatment is often necessary to have a good quality of life. Therapy and medication are often the first lines of defense, but there are other strategies. Transcranial magnetic stimulation can be an effective way to treat depression, anxiety, and other illnesses after trying medication and therapy.

Common types of mental illnesses

Most people are aware of their physical health and know the importance of taking care of themselves. Mental health is no less critical. Many different kinds of mental health disorders can plague people. The most serious types can make it difficult for a person to function in daily life. Relationships and personal activities can suffer. Without treatment, an individual may not be able to accomplish even routine tasks.

Depression is one of the most common mental health illnesses that a psychiatrist treats. Related to this is anxiety, which is another frequent condition that requires care such as TMS. Others include addictions and eating disorders. Some people can struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder or psychotic disorders.

How TMS therapy works

Many psychiatrists believe that brain irregularities cause depression, anxiety, and other conditions. Certain areas of the brain control mood and behavior. When these areas have little to no activity, mental illnesses can ensue. TMS therapy seeks to renew this brain activity.

The psychiatrist will place electromagnetic coils on the person’s head. Then, a magnetic pulse goes into the brain’s nerve cells. This stimulates brain activity. As a result, it can have an effect on the person’s mood and actions.

When the therapy may be effective

To treat mental illnesses, a psychiatrist may first try therapy or medication. Prescription drugs are often common for severe disorders or when the person is having frequent difficulties coping. Therapy is sometimes for more minor and moderate occurrences. However, counseling with a psychiatrist can also help in more serious situations.

But these approaches are not always successful. If the patient does not respond well to drugs, TMS could be the next step. Similarly, when therapy does not yield the desired results, it may be time for TMS therapy. In other cases, a patient may start off with this technique when the psychiatrist thinks it may be most effective.

What to expect

When TMS follows medication and therapy, the patient may see positive results within a few months. The sessions will occur five days a week for four to six weeks. Usually, each session will take 30 to 40 minutes. There is no pain or discomfort, and the patient will not need local or general anesthesia. The person can resume normal activities immediately after the therapy.

Check out what others are saying about our TMS services on Yelp: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in New York, NY

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

A different technique for treating mental problems

It can be frustrating to try medication and therapy but not see good results. If you are unhappy with your treatments, you should talk to your psychiatrist. Other options are still available to help you. Discuss TMS and whether it makes sense to try this intervention.

Request an appointment or call NYC Psychiatric Associates at 917-391-0076 for an appointment in our New York office.