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3 Common Schizophrenia Treatment Options

Feb 15, 2024
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Schizophrenia treatment helps those with this disorder manage their symptoms and lead healthy lives. Though a schizophrenia diagnosis can be scary at first, there is hope. Thanks to advancements in psychiatric care, this disease is manageable..

Schizophrenia treatment helps those with this disorder manage their symptoms and lead healthy lives. Though a schizophrenia diagnosis can be scary at first, there is hope. Thanks to advancements in psychiatric care, this disease is manageable, and many of those with schizophrenia lead happy and fulfilling lives.

There is no one size fits all solution for schizophrenia treatment since everyone with this disorder experiences it differently. Instead, our psychiatric team has found that a combination of treatments tailored to the individual is the best way to help those dealing with this disease.

So, if you or a family member is facing this diagnosis, we can help. First, let us take a look at what schizophrenia is. Then, we will examine ways to treat it. We hope that by shedding some light on this often misunderstood condition, we can comfort those who suffer and their loved ones.

What is schizophrenia?

According to the American Psychiatric Association (psychiatry.org), schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder that, in its active phase, causes individuals to:

  • Suffer delusions
  • Experience auditory and visual hallucinations
  • Struggle with disorganized speech and thinking
  • Experience a period of psychosis in which the individual loses touch with reality

As with any mental disorder, the type and severity of symptoms vary greatly. Though the cause of schizophrenia is under ongoing investigation, brain chemistry, structure, and genetics play a major role. Though we have not yet found a cure for this condition, most individuals can lead happy, normal, and productive lives with the right treatment. Here we will look at three major schizophrenia treatments to help our patients manage the disease. These are often combined in a comprehensive treatment plan to help our patients overcome their symptoms and thrive.

Three common treatments


Prescription drugs, such as antipsychotic medication, anti-depressants, and mood stabilizers, can significantly reduce symptoms in those with this condition. Several drugs on the market can treat schizophrenia, and research continues to investigate new pharmaceuticals that can help address schizophrenia treatment. Though side effects continue to be a significant concern for those taking these medications, our team is also skilled at helping our patients cope and overcome those side effects. We do a thorough medical and psychiatric exam to match the patient with the right medication or combination of medications. In addition, we regularly monitor our patients to ensure the medication is working as it should. As a result, treatment can be re-evaluated and adjusted at any time. In addition, it can take time to find the right medication.

Individual Therapy

One-on-one work with a therapist is an essential component of schizophrenia treatment. Just as with medication, several types of talk therapy work well for coping with this disorder. For example, Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is one popular approach. This therapy helps patients connect thoughts with feelings and helps them manage distressing emotions. In addition, therapy can help the individual identify triggers as well as develop a healthy lifestyle that minimizes the impact of the disease. Individual psychotherapy is another popular approach for those with schizophrenia. During sessions, a therapist will help the patient learn to manage their day-to-day life and emotions and teach the patient how to recognize when their disease might be interfering with their sense of reality.

Family therapy

Having a strong support network is vital for a person who has schizophrenia and has a significant impact on their health and well-being. This therapy starts with strengthening the family unit and helping them work together to support each other and their loved one who suffers. Family involvement has been shown to improve a patient's social functioning, adherence to medication, and healthy living. We help educate patients' families about the disease and learn how they can help their loved ones cope. Our team helps patients keep lines of communication open to foster better understanding between patients and their loved ones.

We have had great success helping our patients by developing care plans incorporating these and other treatments. Schizophrenia is a complex disorder that calls for a multi-pronged approach encompassing the patient's physical and mental health.

In Conclusion

Schizophrenia is nothing to be ashamed of and not the patient's fault. Everyone deserves a happy, productive, and fulfilling life. Our team is dedicated to helping our patients thrive despite mental illness. If you or someone you care about is struggling with schizophrenia, get them to us, and we will get the right diagnosis and work on a plan together.

Request an appointment here: https://nycpsychiatricassociates.com or call NYC Psychiatric Associates at (917) 391-0076 for an appointment in our New York office.

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