New York TMS Treatment Process

TMS Treatment ProcessNew York, NY

The TMS treatment process is a non-invasive method of treating depressive symptoms. It directs magnetic fields to certain brain regions to activate the patient's neurons. We can administer the magnetic pulses at regular intervals.

Although psychotherapy and medicine have proven effective in helping many people with depression, the condition can be resistant to treatment in certain cases. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a therapy for depression sometimes advised after other methods have failed.

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TMS Therapy Process

In a typical TMS session, the psychiatrist will place an electromagnetic coil on the patient's scalp in front of the patient's forehead. When magnetic pulses are sent from the electromagnetic coil to the prefrontal cortex, it stimulates the area of the brain responsible for regulating mood and alleviating depression. The hypothesis is that the treatment will increase activity in regions of the brain that are less active due to depression.

Researchers do not have a full understanding of how the therapy works, but it lifts spirits and reduces depressive symptoms. TMS therapy does not include surgically implanting electrodes into the patient's brain. Therefore, it does not need the use of anesthetics or sedatives. Compared to other methods of stimulating the brain, such as electroconvulsive treatment, TMS does not result in seizures.

The various parts of a TMS treatment session are as follows:

Psychiatric evaluation for TMS

Mental health professionals perform psychiatric evaluations to discover developmental, behavioral, and emotional problems like depression. In addition, cognitive and emotional thinking strengths and weaknesses, life issues, environmental and social factors, family history, medical history, and developmental history may all be part of an initial patient assessment.

Each patient and psychiatrist will go through their unique examination procedure, and a full diagnosis may not be possible during the first session. The age of the patients is also a factor in the range of possible assessments. For example, to properly assess a kid's mental health, a therapist may first meet with the child's parents separately or together, followed by a session with the youngster on their own. Finally, the psychiatrist may present clinical formulations or recommendations at the conclusion of an adult's one-on-one consultation.

Depression treatment

We can effectively treat most cases of depression with a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Medication may alleviate depressive symptoms, while therapy can address and resolve the underlying problems contributing to the patient's depression. People with severe depression may benefit from either outpatient treatment or inpatient hospitalization.

Some of the medications widely used to treat depressive symptoms:

Usually, the first line of treatment for depression consists of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). They are less prone to induce negative effects and thus preferred over other antidepressant medications.

In cases when SSRIs are not producing the expected outcomes, a switch to a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) might be in order.

Prescriptions for monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are common when other medications have failed to alleviate a patient's symptoms. However, patients taking these medications must avoid foods like pickles and cheese due to the risk of fatal drug-food interactions.

To treat depression, a doctor may prescribe a cocktail of several medications. Antidepressants are often taken with other medicines, such as antipsychotics, anti-anxiety drugs, or mood stabilizers.

Antidepressant alternatives

Psychotherapy, often called talk therapy or psychological therapy, alleviates depression by having the patient speak through their problems. Therapy may help pinpoint unhelpful patterns of thought and action and replace them with more productive alternatives. During psychotherapy, individuals might learn more effective strategies for managing and moving beyond their triggers. It may lessen negative emotions like anger and sadness, and it helps patients regain a feeling of control over their life.

Meeting with a mental health professional in person is the traditional psychotherapy treatment method, and it is still the most effective approach. Due to technological advancements, new mediums have evolved for providing treatment, such as internet sessions and video therapy. A psychiatrist's degree of involvement with their patient varies according to their individual requirements.

Some alternatives to antidepressants that may be effective in treating depression include lifestyle changes, ecotherapy, exercise, and mindfulness.

Non-invasive Psychiatry

Deep TMS is a novel therapeutic yet non-invasive option for those with depression, particularly those who have not responded well to medication or therapy. Using a deep and direct magnetic pulse to activate the brain areas relevant to depression, Deep TMS modulates brain activity and is the only non-invasive treatment for depression authorized by the Food and Drug Administration.

Since 2008, major depressive disorder has been treated with deep transcranial magnetic stimulation. Deep TMS, when used in conjunction with other therapies (such as cognitive therapy or exposure and response prevention treatment), is safe for people with depression.

More importantly, deep TMS has no known negative consequences. Patients may easily work TMS therapy into their busy schedules since it is a non-invasive solution. Deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an anesthetic-free, non-invasive therapeutic option for depression. It also has no long-term consequences.

Deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been shown in an increasing number of empirical investigations to be beneficial in reducing depressive symptoms. This research paved the way for FDA approval of Deep TMS in 2013 for the treatment of MDD. Another 2019 research published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research confirmed these findings, stating that Deep TMS is a safe therapeutic option and considerably increases remission rates when used with psychotherapy medication.

The effects of TMS therapy

TMS treatment process can lead to alleviation of depressive symptoms. In addition, TMS is beneficial for patients for whom antidepressants have not worked, with about a third no longer experiencing depressive symptoms as a result.

The majority of patients who undergo TMS therapy for depression only need a single treatment cycle. After a few years, some individuals may require further therapy. Patients' responses to TMS are often proportional to the degree of their depression. Some people with moderate depression report becoming symptom-free after a single TMS treatment, while others with more severe depression may need further sessions.

Contact Us

NYC Psychiatric Associates is located at 353 Lexington Ave Suite 800 New York, NY 10016.

(917) 391-0076