New York Psychiatric Evaluation for TMS

Psychiatric Evaluation for TMSNew York, NY

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an alternative treatment for depression, but before proceeding with the procedure, you need to have a psychiatric evaluation for TMS. Depression is a mood disorder that may severely affect an individual's well-being.

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Guidelines for the TMS Psychiatric Evaluation

Diagnosing depression often begins with talk therapy. A more definitive diagnosis may need further testing based on the diagnosis. There is a standard set of questions therapists use to assess their patients' depression. Patients might have to answer questions about their habits, routines, and emotional state.

Those suffering from clinical depression may show signs of their condition in various ways. Therefore, accurate diagnosis is more complicated. The symptoms of depression may vary from person to person, with some experiencing indifference and others becoming even more upset.

An individual's eating habits may change for the worse due to depression. The depressive feelings might cause some individuals to overeat or sleep more than usual, while it could cause others to attempt to eliminate both behaviors. While some may show outward signs of despair, those struggling within may feel otherwise.

The modalities

Doctors will do an interview, run specific lab tests, and undertake a physical during the TMS psychiatric assessment to rule out any underlying medical causes of the patient's depression. The therapist also asks questions about the patient's health and family background. In addition, we will ask patients multiple questions to identify whether or not they are showing signs of depression. Some of the common symptoms include:

  • Chronic, pervasive sorrow or depression that interferes with daily life
  • Losing interest in previously enjoyable activities
  • Constant melancholy and despondency
  • Substantial gains or losses in body weight
  • Constantly feeling tired or lethargic
  • Confusing thoughts or inability to focus
  • Depression and suicidal ideation
  • Lower or more appetite
  • Problems waking up or sleeping too much
  • Pervasive feelings of worthlessness or pessimism

Patients with at least five of the symptoms above are likely to be diagnosed with depression, particularly if they have been experiencing depressive lows every day for more than two weeks.

The need for depression treatment

Some individuals experience the symptoms of depression for just a few weeks, while others suffer for years. Depression may affect a person's personality, work or school routines, and social interactions. Some people's depressive symptoms are severe enough to make it impossible to carry out even the most basic everyday tasks. The severity of one's melancholy may make it challenging to care for oneself, even with routine actions like bathing and eating.

Depression may be a particular situation, occasional, or a long-term struggle. For others, depression is a constant battle throughout their lives. Life tragedies, such as death, may trigger depressive symptoms. On the other hand, the condition may occur for no apparent reason. Medical conditions like Cancer and heart disease are examples of how clinical depression may aggravate an already dismal outlook.

Lab tests and psychiatric evaluation

After the psychiatrist has made a list of the patient's symptoms and signs, taken a thorough medical history, and performed a thorough physical examination, they may require tests to rule out physical illnesses causing the patient's depression. Such conditions include hypothyroidism. The doctor will also review the patient's existing prescriptions and any illegal substances of interest.

The results of lab testing strengthen the patient's medical history. These exams reveal whether or not the patient used illegal medicines to treat depression. Recent laboratory tests can even detect remnants of commonly used drugs and supplements used for maintenance. Insights like this may help psychiatrists get to know their patients better before administering TMS for depression.

Having a patient write down their symptoms might help a doctor determine what is wrong. The information gleaned from family members who may have experienced or seen depression can aid proper diagnosis and treatment of depression in the patient. The patient should also take notes before their psychiatric evaluation for TMS. Some crucial factors include physical and mental health issues, past health problems, medications, supplements, sleep habits, stressors, side effects of drugs, strange behavior, and lifestyle routines like smoking or drinking.

The management of depression after TMS psychiatric evaluation

Medication and psychotherapy are the gold standards for depression treatment, and they work well for most people who try them. Antidepressants have helped many people, but they might have unwanted side effects or not work for certain people. The psychiatrist may recommend a TMS treatment process for such people to deal with their depression. The treatment involves directing mood-altering electromagnetic pulses at specific brain regions involved in mood regulation.

TMS is a non-invasive procedure that does not need to place electrodes in the patient's head. Each treatment session takes around 20 minutes, making it simple to fit into anyone's schedule. Patients with depression sometimes need multiple sessions before they begin to feel better. However, the effectiveness of these treatments and the length of time it takes to see results may vary from patient to patient.

TMS therapy requires neither sedatives nor local anesthetics, and the process causes no discomfort. Although patients can drive themselves home following treatment, we advise that they make transportation arrangements for their first appointment.

The therapy consists of placing a magnetic coil on the patient's head and continually turning it on and off to deliver pulses into the brain. The whole 20-minute procedure is performed with the patient awake and aware. Patients may need to undergo TMS therapy for a few weeks before noticing any symptom improvement.

As a follow-up to TMS, counseling and medication may be recommended. Further TMS sessions may be necessary for some people if symptoms return, otherwise called re-induction.

The bottom line

TMS is an innovative method for the treatment of depression and may be helpful if antidepressant treatment no longer has the desired effect. In addition, the results of psychiatric evaluation for TMS may tell you more about your lifestyle, medication usage, and nutrition.

Psychiatrists can use TMS as a stand-alone therapy or together with medications. However, unlike antidepressants, TMS does not come with the same risks to the patient. Therefore, the FDA has given TMS the green light in the United States. Many studies and years of clinical practice attest to the success of this method.

Contact Us

NYC Psychiatric Associates is located at 353 Lexington Ave Suite 800 New York, NY 10016.

(917) 391-0076