Non-Invasive Psychiatry

Non-Invasive PsychiatryNew York, NY

Alternative therapies are available for mental health issues like depression when traditional medicine and counseling fail to alleviate symptoms. A psychiatrist may advise you to try electroconvulsive treatment (ECT) or another kind of brain stimulation as a non-invasive psychiatry intervention. Therapies that include electrical, magnetic, or implanted brain stimulation are known as neurostimulation.

A psychiatrist provides transcranial magnetic stimulation for treating major depressive disorder (MDD) or clinical depression. Every TMS specialist has a unique approach to patient care.

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    Determining the need for non-invasive treatment

    A psychiatrist can correctly identify depression symptoms in patients and make a diagnosis. Therefore, anyone exhibiting signs of clinical depression should consider making an appointment with a psychiatrist. The diagnostic procedure may include a psychological examination, reviewing the patient's medical history and symptoms, and administering one or more laboratory tests. A correct diagnosis may improve the TMS specialist's treatment strategy.

    TMS Treatment Process

    The first step in TMS therapy is for the doctor to learn about the patient's specific symptoms and circumstances. TMS has shown promise as a therapy for people with clinical depression, particularly those who have not responded to antidepressants or who have suffered from frequent or severe adverse effects from antidepressant use.

    Therapeutic magnetic stimulation (TMS) is one possible treatment option, albeit it may be combined with other non-invasive treatments, such as psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, often known as talk therapy, is a method of helping people cope with the onset of mental health issues like depression. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, family therapy, and support groups are all examples of common forms of psychotherapy.

    Resetting the brain

    While the brain is an organ, it is also powered by a sophisticated electrical network that controls one's emotions and thoughts. According to researchers, patients with depression may have underactive nerves in some brain areas. Problems with brain neuron function may disrupt neurotransmitter (brain chemicals) synthesis and release. Neurotransmitters have a role in controlling emotional responses.

    The electrical system of the brain may be "reset" with the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation. The TMS device can send microcurrents to targeted regions of the brain. Stimulating nearby nerves, this energy promotes better chemical equilibrium and neuronal network communication in the brain. With consistent care, this procedure may rewire the brain to cause long-lasting changes in behavior.

    What to expect with non-invasive psychiatry

    While using electrical currents to treat melancholy and anxiety may seem terrifying, it is quite the opposite. Transcranial magnetic stimulation is risk-free and non-invasive since it does not involve any skull penetration.

    Patients may rest in the doctor's cozy treatment chair while receiving TMS therapy. The technician will press a spherical magnetic coil on the patient's head and turn it on to begin treatment. After activating the device, it will start sending stimulating pulses. Patients may experience a tapping sensation or hear clicking noises.

    While subsequent transcranial magnetic stimulation sessions usually run between 30 and 40 minutes, the first one may take up to an hour while your physician finds the proper magnetic energy dosages.

    Headaches are typical during TMS treatment but may be avoided by taking an over-the-counter pain killer before the session. Lightheadedness, pain on the scalp, tingling or twitching of the face, and other similar symptoms are also possible. However, by lowering the magnetic energy provided during the treatment, the doctor can frequently lessen these effects. In addition, TMS treatment does not interfere with the patient's ability to do daily tasks.

    The effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment

    According to studies, between 50to and 60 percent of patients who undergo TMS therapy for treatment-resistant depression report improvement in their symptoms, with 30 percent reporting complete resolution of their condition. However, a series of TMS treatments are often necessary, with the average being five sessions per week for four to six weeks. The sound effects of TMS therapy may last for a long time. However, maintenance may need further sessions. TMS therapy patients often experience symptom relief from several months to over a year before they return for more treatments.

    When a patient's depression symptoms have subsided or gone into remission, the psychiatrist's focus switches to long-term depression prevention. Although many individuals may not need long-term TMS therapy, it is an option. After treatment for clinical depression is complete, regular psychotherapy sessions or modest antidepressants may aid in long-term prevention.

    The benefits of non-invasive psychiatry treatment

    Although transmitting electromagnetic waves to the brain may seem challenging, it is relatively simple. TMS treatments are non-invasive and we may incorporate them into a patient's regular schedule without difficulty. Since patients do not experience any discomfort, sedation or anesthetics are not required. TMS therapy is performed on an outpatient basis, and each session takes no more than 20 minutes. Following the conclusion of their treatments, patients are free to resume their everyday lives, including driving themselves home.

    When looking for a therapy for depression, these are some of the reasons why a non-invasive treatment like TMS is the best option:

    Fewer side effects

    In sharp contrast to the risks associated with electroconvulsive treatment for depression, those undergoing TMS therapy are not expected to have serious adverse effects. Memory loss and seizures are two of ECT patients' most significant adverse effects. In addition, the use of general anesthesia, which is necessary for ECT, is not without its dangers. TMS therapy shields patients from all that while providing more effective treatment for depression.

    Chemical-free methods

    Although antidepressants are the primary treatment for depression, they only help roughly half of the patients. However, these medicines may not affect some people, while they may have a little ameliorating effect on others.

    For various reasons, including the severity of withdrawal symptoms, some individuals prefer not to have their depression treated with antidepressants. Over half of those who have tried antidepressants without success find relief with TMS treatment.

    Consult a psychiatrist

    The best approach to decide whether TMS therapy and other non-invasive psychiatry treatment alternatives are suitable for you is to speak with a psychiatrist who provides the treatment. The psychiatrist will provide the necessary evaluation to make an accurate diagnosis.

    Contact Us

    NYC Psychiatric Associates is located at 353 Lexington Ave Suite 800 New York, NY 10016.

    (917) 391-0076